Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nature's Toothbrushes

We've all heard "you are what you eat", but are you aware that the foods you

choose to put into your mouth affects more than just the number on the scale?

If you need yet another reason to hold the fries and to pick up an apple instead, consider

that apples are not only high in vitamin C and antioxidants, they are also awesome for

your oral health. Biting and chewing an apple actually stimulates the production of

saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria in your


Carrots and celery are also awesome foods that actually help clean your teeth and aid

in removing particles of food from your teeth. Keep in mind that while juicing is all the

rage today, juicing can be harmful to your teeth. Chewing on healthy fruits and veggies

will do more to maintain those pearly whites than daily trips to the juice bar.

Carbs, Please! Yes, REALLY! The large amounts of both Vitamin B and Iron found

in whole grains aid in prevention of irritation and swelling in the mouth. If you are

watching your weight, try having your whole grains earlier in the day so that you have

time for your body to burn the calories.

Go green! Wouldn’t you love to cut down on your daily coffee runs? Well, here’s yet

another reason! All of that coffee is staining your teeth! Try making the switch to green

tea instead. Not only is it not as staining to your teeth, green tea is rich in antioxidants

(substances that protect cells from free radicals) and therefore reduces your risk of

developing oral cancers.

Making a few simple dietary changes can truly make a positive impact on your oral

health. Make these few health adjustments and look forward to less time in the dental

chair! Now HOW easy is that?